1% for The Planet

Bericanto is partnering with 1% for the Planet program,
with funds donated to
clean water projects around the world.

Water projects

Thanks to the collaboration with 1% For the Planet, one percent of each bottle goes to clean water projects, as the water is our most important resource.



Unicef and WHO state that today one in three people on this planet is still missing clear water. 


We are aware that wine has a very high water footprint. 


One liter of wine could require up to 960 liters of water (source:

That's why we have decided to give back water where most needed. 


We have supported many clean water projects.
We have built 35 water wells in Sierra Leone with Murialdo World NGO. In 2020 we have supported Amref Health Africa in its awareness-raising activities. 
In 2021 we are supporting Wine to Water water projects, through the partnership with 1% For the Planet.



Altavia project

In addition to water projects, we support our vinegrowers.

We are providing our partner vinegrowers a fixed additional annual contribution. It is meant for the protection of their best products, grow on the highest hilly areas, where the water is scarce.


portinari estate (54)